My name is Lawanda Jones, and I am the owner of Munashe # 9 Sophisticated Nails LLC, & Natural Skincare. In addition, I am a Certified Yoni Vaginal Steam service provider and practitioner. I am a native of St.Louis Missouri, and a mother of two, a beautiful daughter, and a handsome son. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Sociology from Maryville University, and a Master Degree in Healthcare Management from Lindenwood University. Healthcare has always been apart of my bloodline, and as a result I spent most of my younger years working in healthcare. That was what I loved. I have a heart for helping others. My passion has always been for women's health, and wellness. That passion has catapulted me to where I am today. The ultimate goal of Munashe #9 is to educate, while helping improve the health, wellness, and self-estem of women from all walks of life.
Here is how my journey began. At an early age I was diagnosed with Asthma. I was prescribed different medications as a form of treatment for my Asthma, especially in the winter months. Eventually, I developed skin eczema, and scalp psoriasis. Eczema is common in people with Asthma. I was prescribed many different ointments and moisturizers to treat my skin condition, but they didn't work for me due to the locations of my flare ups. As I matured into adulthood I began looking into natural methods of treatment that would cure my condition. Unbenounced to me I would eventually have to use for my children's skin as well. They too suffer from eczema, but a mild form. To look at us you would never know that this is our story.
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic while not having the option to be out and about, or spending time with friends, I wondered what am I to do with my time now. Then one day it came to me! As I was preparing moisturizer for me and my children's skin, I thought about how all the natural products I've used to heal our skin could help others. I would always hear mothers of younger children who battle with eczema complain about them not having a product that they can use on their children's skin that allowed their skin to be properly hydrated and at the same time smell baby fresh, which led me to sharing my creation of “Baby Butter” which has a baby fresh scent. Baby Butter was just one of many natural products we used in our house. Eventually, I jared up all of the products that I used and began selling them and this was the beginning of Munashe #9 skincare line. During this same time I discovered a love for nails, making them look simple, professional, and sophisticated. Many times I would spend a hefty amount of money a month on my nails and feet, but due to Covid-19 I could no longer go into the nails salons due to them being temporarily shut down, so again I went for what I knew, and begin doing my own manicures and pedicures, and eventually doing the same work for others. I didn't know that my creations would turn into something so great. Today here I am, a business owner. To God Be The Glory! This is just the beginning.